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Robert A. Nickle is a Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania watercolorist who until the mid 1980’s considered painting more a hobby than a vocation. It was then that he felt compelled to make a statement about what he calls “The Vanishing America Heritage.” The character and charm of an old wooden barn or fishing boat was being replaced by sheet metal barns and fiberglass boats. This has become the subject of his art found in original watercolors, limited edition prints and cards. As Bob puts it, “It is my desire not to just cause people to see beauty in old things, which we pass by everyday, but to prompt us to stop, ‘Smell the Roses’ and discover from where the beauty comes.”



One of Mr. Nickles’ cards managed to surface amongst my archived goods. So I took a snapshot, also in the holiday spirit, I’ll post the words that he details on the back of it.



For those of us who are fortunate, there are, even if but a few, times in our lives when we experience moments of deep understanding. For a brief time our spirits commune with what it is that brings meaning to our lives. It is then, when we stop and smell the roses, that we find worth and purpose.

Much of the time we can thank someone else for these moments, someone who not only touched our hearts but stirred our souls. It may have been a parent or grandparent, a minister, teacher or simply a friend, but what we learned from them, what they told us, or more likely, how they lived, has put their signature on our being. We understand that when we display kindness, generosity, or compassion that it is character forged in the crucible of their inspiration.

There is joy in remembering their example and blessing in thanking them by being that “someone” to another.

I got this card around the same time I went to the leadership foundation breakfast. Bob sponsored my seat and from then on I was a devout listener to all of his story’s of historic Pennsylvania. Seeing and being around these people let me see how truly inspirational people can be.

This is the U&W Club up the street from my house where I would routinely have lunch w/ Bob and a few other friends. We ate ham and cheese sandwiches and delicious soup’s of the day and studied history. Walking by this place at a younger age hearing them play table tennis outside and never really knowing what this place was, ten years later its like the home I’ve never had.

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