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[SON] Steven, please let the people know who Seven Even is and what Gold Rush Studio is.

[SEVENEVEN] I am a fine-artist, designer, and consultant currently working for the Lifted Research Group. Gold Rush is my personal multidisciplinary studio officially established in 1998 after my work was first published internationally.

[S] You’ve got a hefty catalog of work, how do you go about seeking work and how do companies find you?

[SE] Phones don’t ring if you merely expect them to. I’ve taken a guerrilla approach to attaining very specific clients and seek out situations that will expand upon my body of work and with which styles I’m comfortable. Many companies are often oblivious to what they need to be doing until you show them, in living detail.

[S] Seeing so many different variations of the same style (portrait/vector/brush graphic) what keeps you pushing original content?

[SE] The contrast and frequency of visual stimulus in my personal illustrations reflects the tone and climate of our times. I am currently exploring how the content and density of kitsch in a culture is manifested in the ethereal experiences of its inhabitants.

[S] Do you travel? How do you cleanse your palette?

[SE] Travel can be an amazing experience as geographical boundaries influence our intrapersonal development and create language. Specific points in my life and niches within our culture inspire much of my work. Cleansing often comes with change and I cannot stop creating. Eventually, something happens, either an off-topic idea or a mistake, which in turn, can provide a glimpse of opportunity.

[S] What is in the future for you & Gold Rush Studio?

[SE] Studying and adding artistic value to life, in this day and age, has become more relevant to me than adorning walls with artful gestures and bantering about validity. My production has become an extension of immediate effect and a dissemination of energy. I intend to entertain clients, on the more conceptual and creative of interests, for as long as I live.

Trust the KDU, and thanks to you Son, for the interview.


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