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Here is another move. It’s funny how fast time flies, just a little bit ago I remember just getting here. Well – we’re leaving this cemetery, I think it’s called “Old Swedes Church” read about it here. I don’t think they’ll detail how weird things happen when you live across the street from the dead. They drove away two neighbor’s and one school but we have stood strong. Yes, this has been somewhat of a rocky road, but for the most part we had fun. I remember the day she painted the door red, this was one of the first days we got in and started getting amendments done here & there. We never put up the house numbers I thought it’d mean we were kind of off the grid for the most part, I guess thats my inner conspiracy theorist. It’s amazing the effect an environment can give on you. Living in the historical district, remnants from the past are always around to remind you, we are not alone.

[l] E. 7th St. Wilmington, Delaware – [r] Kita & David ’08
I’ve been doing mostly research in this house, so it’s more like a laboratory – everyone learned new things in this house. I’m looking forward to developing in the future, one or two years of research and an eternity of development.
Gonna have more room for the studio so there will be much more media in the content. More video and documentary things as well. There is a healthy catalog of information now – so gradually as usual, it will start to get more unique and detailed. The house isn’t that much of a keepsake nor is it’s placement, but the environment itself is the best – if I could build a house around here I would. I’m also surrounded by plenty of my ancestors who must’ve help build these train tracks – the inscriptions, the neighbor’s it all resonates around the same things. This summer seems extra hot, I’ve been in the house 95% of the time so it hasn’t effected me as much. It is about to be the perfect climate to flood with good music, the cooling session[s]. I’ve learned that silence speaks loud as the highest pitch, its all a matter of timing and persistence. Marry Mattingly mentions mindful mixtures, mashing all sorts of ideas together into this site – but one big point I’ve gathered from it is ENVIRONMENT, ENVIRONMENT, ENVIRONMENT! This is what it’s all about, living and knowing your surroundings. We could’ve easily focused on the dead people across the street yet we decided to acknowledge all of the blood, sweat & tears our family spent building everything around us. A great man named Dr. Ivan Van Sertima once said, “Columbus couldn’t come back home & tell Ferdinand and Isabelle, I’m sorry, thats a lot of money down the drain..” – so I can’t see myself moving without developing a plan for my Golden City, or should I say, Diamond State. Another move, love to see things progress…

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